Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Old flames

When old flames die down
and become flamming embers
sometimes its not our place
Or authority to fan them embers
and make them burn again.
Flames are meant to die for a reason
and when we play with fire
Eventually we'll all get burnt.
Our hearts are furnaces
And love is an uncontrollable fire.
We love the warmth of an open hearth
but discarded embers is just that,
Embers meant to be discarded.
Not reminiscent flames
meant to be rekindled.
The excitement of fresh fires burning
Is new flames a blazing
And the crackle of new experiences.
Old flames
Is just new caked up heartbrakes
and not meant to be revisited.

I went back to an old flame
That was great when it was young.
The passion was uncontrollable
And the desire was flammable accellerants,
Alas, time and wisdom
has since become the maturity
That is the extinguisher
And I'm not all that young any more.
My heart still desires
An uncontrollable fire
For it's furnaced fashioned walls
but the chimney of the mind
Still remembers
Flames that left unhealthy soot.
Dead, dry twigs of loneliness
And the splinters of depression is no comparison
to the new yule logs of refreshing seasons of happiness.
New flames burn new and exciting trails
And the unknown fears of blinding, blue blazing passion
is gasolines flowing towards lit matches littered at our feet.
Who wants to kick a match
that'll set a spark
to burn new flames
And leave old flames to smolder in the dark?

Saturday, January 21, 2012


For my facebook status I wrote, "Why do we keep going back when we know that our yesterdays aren't as good as our presents."
What I realized about myself and more than likely about the rest of the world is that the great majority of ourselves are insane. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
We go back to pain daily and over and over again because it is familiar to us and to do something different and new is unknown and bone chilling scary.
To keep it on the I, I'm scared of my own success. For years I've known that I have a knack for this writing thing. I've always known that if I really invested a full hundred and fifty percent of my time in my writing I can really blow up and be successful, but like so many other individuals that recognize their talents and potential half way we know so well that there is so many other forces and woes holding us back.

My demons are the other negative talents that I have.
Apart from being a talented writer, I'm a gifted salesman and I mean really gifted. I can sell shit to a toilet (lol). It's my greed that really holds me back. The glory days of my yesteryears and all the other under the table hustles and back room dealings. Chasing the wrong dreams of profit has always kept me going or looking back into a darkness that'll keep me blind sided or better yet blinded to what can really propel me ahead. Dropping our baggage and letting go of our negative past is what will help us move forward and leave the insanity behind us.
Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I'm sorry that I haven't been updating my blog like I should have. Life is keeping me running in an track and field of obstacles.
A colleague of mines challenged me to use ten words to do some creative writing. I haven't done it in a long while and I only had about 8 minutes to do it.
The words were:

When I finally did the task I realized that I had a lot of stress and pain within me that I'm supressing with phony smiles and fake laughter.
But the task allowed me to breath and vent and I am greatful for doing it. Please tell me, what did you get from my words and what can you give from these same ten words?

This is what I got:

I'll be a successful rebel
When I'm able to rebel against
 The oppressive system
that causes me
so much pain
in the hopes of having
the one good hope
to overcome the shadows of depression
and arrive in an contigency of love
that will surround me
and allow me
to spread around the love
of the misunderstood youth
that will train me
 to live with my enemies
in cooperation